We do not believe in one-size fits all estate plans. All families are different and so are their estate planning goals. Whether you are looking to avoid probate, reduce inheritance or capital gains taxes, succession planning for your small business, or you just want to make sure your kids are properly cared for, we can help. Do you have, or plan to have, firearms that are regulated by the NFA? We've got you covered there as well. Gun Trusts can be added to any estate plan or as a stand alone trust. And we will continue to be here to help if your needs or goals change, you have a question or just need guidance.
We offer a wide range of estate planning services, including, Wills, Trusts, Appointment of Guardianship, Financial and Medical Powers of Attorney, Advanced Surgical Directives (also called a Living Will), Instructions for Burial and Funeral arrangements, Transfer on Death Documents for property, deeds to trusts, beneficiary deeds, and supplemental documents that make it easy for you to understand what we have drafted. Picture diagrams, checklists and plain English descriptions are all included at no extra cost.
Your second Amendment rights are important, and we want to help you preserve your family's ability to possess, use and pass on your firearms. You could use an online service to create your trust, but then your trust is online and potentially open to hackers. We will protect your privacy, plan for your NFA items and other firearms in away that allows your heirs to receive those NFA items and non-NFA items after your passing, in the event you become a prohibited gun owner or if someone in your home is a prohibited gun owner.
We offer personalized solutions for your unique circumstances. Whether you're drafting an estate plan or trying to figure out the best options for how to protect royalty payments for you or a loved one, we can offer you multiple options to protect your assets, prevent elderly or disabled heirs from losing their benefits for means tested government assistance, and protecting your children's financial future if something were to happen to you.
We know you have choices when it comes to your estate planning needs, and we are so happy you have considered us to plan for your loved ones! It is our goal to provide you with a comprehensive estate plan that fits your family at a reasonable cost. All of our Estate Plans are billed at a flat fee, not an hourly rate. You will not get any surprise bills and you will know exactly what the cost is and what is includes before you commit to using our services.
We do not want cost to be a hurdle to getting the estate planning documents you need. Not ready for an entire estate plan and just need one or two documents? No problem, you'll still get a flat fee price!
You could use an online service to create your estate plan, why pay more to use a lawyer? Typically, an online service will not be able to advise you as to the best way to meet your estate planning goals. It will be up to you to figure out whether you need a trust, and if you do what type (there are many types), how to avoid probate and what documents you might need. Estate Planning is so much more than just drafting the documents. We guide you every step of the way, help you decide what documents you need, draft them to fit your goals and then support you going forward. We typically plan for three client meetings. The first is your free no obligation consultation. Once we provide you with the first draft of your documents, you will schedule another meeting to go over the first draft, make changes and answer questions (you will have them!).
Online services typically can't answer your questions before, during, or after the documents are drafted, but Parker Law Group can! When you decide your documents are ready to sign, you will come into our office to sign your estate plan--we provide the notary and the witnesses. After you sign your documents, we will upload the signed copies to our online case management system so that you always have access to an electronic copy of your documents and you keep the originals.
With the exception of our final appointment to sign the documents, our meetings can be in person, virtual or by telephone. You can schedule your appointments with your lawyer by contacting us at info@parkercolawgroup.com or calling us at 720-549-3606. We understand that some people may not be able to come to us, and in those situations, we will come to you. We are happy to work around your needs to make appointments convenient.
Do I need a trust or is a will sufficient? Not everybody needs a trust. Each client has different goals when it comes to estate planning and we do not subscribe to an one-size fits all estate plan. Generally, we recommend a Trust if you have children under the age of 19, property in more than one state, you own a mineral estate, the total amount of your taxable estate exceeds 12 million dollars or you wish to avoid probate.
Can you just draft a simple will for me? Of course! Not every body wants to do complete estate planning, or they already have powers of attorney in place, whatever your goals and needs are, we will tailor an estate plan or planning documents that you desire. However, the adjective "simple" is rather subjective. It is important that all required statutory language is included in your will so that it is valid.
Is Estate Planning Expensive? Not necessarily. We work within your budget to create a plan that works for your family. We will quote you a flat fee price for different options up front, there are never any surprise bills.
I have an estate plan, but I don't know if it should be updated, can you review it and update it for me? We would be happy to review your existing estate plan and discuss with you whether it still meets your estate planning goals and if it complies with current laws. We are also happy to update your existing estate plan if you just need to change a few small items.
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